Website Terms
Disclaimer / Terms of Website Use
You agree to be bound by these terms of use by accessing, browsing, opening or otherwise using any part of this website. The information contained on or linked to this website is general information. Nothing on this site is or purports to be advice. You should not rely on any information on or linked to this website. If you need advice, you should seek personal professional advice based on your own circumstances. While every effort is made to ensure the information and links on this web site are accurate, the technology is changing at such a speed that the information and links may not always be up to date. Any content, including publications and email newsletters, on this website, is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of website development or general interest. This information is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute legal advice of any form. We at KAS attempt to ensure that the content is current but we do not guarantee its currency. You should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content.
KAS is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this website or any of the content. This includes, but is not limited to the transmission of any computer virus. KAS makes no warranties or representations about this website or any of the content. We exclude, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of this website, it’s content or the information on it. Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by us, in relation to the use of this website or the content is limited as provided under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (s68A). We will never be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss arising out of the use of this website, including loss of business profits. See Limitation of Liability below
Privacy Statement
This site collects and analyses information from users. We record your visit and log information for statistical purposes including your IP address, the date and time of the visit, pages accessed and documents downloaded. This information may be analysed to determine our sites usage statistics and help us improve our services. Information collected through the Contact Us pages or through any of the forms available on this site will be stored on the KAS databases. Your information will not be disclosed to a third party from KAS.
Freight Charges
Shipping is added to all orders. The entire order must be shipped to a single address. The customer is responsible for shipping costs on returning any product(s). Promotions may be modified or terminated at any time. Certain restrictions may apply.
Freight charges may apply for construction drop shipments to residential, commercial and construction sites. Other shipping charges such as re-consignment, redelivery and storage charges may apply when requested by a dealer or customer.
Priority Handling and Postage is available for an extra fee. Please contact our office for pricing on larger orders. Finalised orders will be dispatched the same day if confirmed before 11am; next day or next business day for orders finalised after 11am
International Shipping is available for an extra fee. Please contact our office for a quote and to specify your requirements. KAS does not cover taxes or duties.
Turnaround Times
Guaranteed dispatch is within 3 business days on retail website orders (unless the item is on backorder). For wholesale, bulk or larger orders please contact KAS for an estimated time frame.
Warranty Terms
The liability of KAS with respect to the sale of our products shall be limited to the products workmanship or hardware only, including the repair or replacement by a similar product as provided and does not include any cost of consequential damages such as the removal, testing, reinstallation, transport of defective products returned to KAS, loss of time, salary or any other expenses (including the alternative security arrangements for securing your doors etc) or any consequential damages of any kind. KAS is the manufacturer and supplies products purely on a ‘supply only’ basis unless otherwise approved in writing specifically by KAS. It is the client’s responsibility and cost to send any items returned to KAS, and KAS will pay the postage costs for any warranty approved replacement items returned back to the client. KAS and its representatives shall not be held liable for any injury, loss, cost or other damage, whether consequential or incidental, that arise from any defect covered under this limited warranty, even if KAS has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
KAS (Keyless Access Security) provides a 24-month product replacement for most standard products (unless otherwise stated on the product information and/or website). All online and phone technical support, during the warranty period, is free of charge during KAS business hours (unless other arrangements have been approved in writing). All defective products (as approved by KAS) will be repaired or replaced following the Warranty Claim Procedure as stated below.
Internet Disclaimer for Online Communications:
KAS will not be held responsible or liable for any site internet connection issues relating to the internet connection between the KAS Gateways and the KAS Cloud servers (KAS Console accounts). KAS hardware products including the Gateways which connect to the KAS lock remain under KAS standard warranty terms and conditions, however, the client’s site internet connectivity and related issues involving connection through the sites internet will be the responsibility of the client and/or their engaged IT/Network Manager and their selected Internet Service Provider. This disclaimer applies to all internet communications whether by WiFi, Cable and/or Mobile Network Routers.
While KAS will provide standard technical support services to assist with identifying such connectivity issues resulting from the KAS Gateway functionality to the KAS Locks (including Battery operated locks and the Access Control Readers), we are not responsible (or liable) for any unreliable (or failed) data transmission issues resulting from the KAS Gateways passing through the site’s internet, The resolution any site Internet issues remains the responsibility of the client and/or their own engaged IT personal and their Internet provider.
Proof of Purchase
This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is only valid when bought through an authorised KAS reseller. The warranty applies to the original purchaser and is not transferable unless approved in writing by KAS. You must be able to provide evidence of purchase.
The warranty does not cover any damage caused by: accidents, incidents, tampering, misuse, abuse, fire, insects, incorrect installation, operation or care as stated in the operation manual, use of abrasive products, moisture/spills unless the specific item stipulates that it is ‘waterproof’, fire, debris, foreign material, force majeure, unauthorised modification or tampering, installation damage, act of God or damage incurred during postage. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear from usage and environmental effects to the products or replacement of consumable items such as batteries.
The terms of this warranty cannot be modified or extended in any way whatsoever by any agent, dealer, distributor, service company or another party other than KAS and if so, must be in writing specifically from KAS. This warranty replaces all other warranties, expressed or implied, in the face of or at law, including, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All defective hardware products will be repaired or replaced if not excluded as above.
Warranty Process
Click here for the full copy of the Warranty Claim Procedure
Any defect involving the manufacturer’s liability needs to be reported to KAS within seven (7) days of its occurrence. All products claimed to be defective must be approved by an authorised representative from KAS before it is removed or returned under approved Warranty Claim Procedures.
All Items will need to be returned and assessed in-house before approval for warranty replacement or repair. When returning any approved product(s) back to KASyou must ensure that the product is properly packaged so that no damage occurs during transit.
Most concerns can be resolved quickly over the phone by a simple adjustment or reprogramming of the product(s). If you believe a Product(s) may be defective, the warranty process must be followed.
14 Day Money Back Guarantee
The 14-day money-back guarantee only applies to ‘stand-alone’ locks either purchased via our sales team or the KAS website. This offer does not apply to the ‘Lock Management System’ (LMS) or ‘Lock-S Management System’ (Lock-S), Console Subscriptions (Console 1 or KASAccess Console 2) locks, or any other software-based products. The deposit for LMS, Lock-S, Console Subscriptions, or other Software-based products (which commences the lock production, software customisation, and installation preparation procedures) is non-refundable.
Insured parcels will be replaced with the exact product in a reasonable amount of time. Although KAS Keyless Access Security takes all necessary precautions to ensure your freight arrives in perfect condition we do not take liability for third-party transport.
Legal Rights
This warranty gives specific legal rights and is not applicable if it interferes with any law or regulation in any state, province or country.
KAS Keyless Access Security reserves the right to change, without notice, the models, the specifications and the price of its products; including electronic door locks, fingerprint door locks, biometric locks and other keyless access products.
Limitation of Liability
Our Limitation of Liability, under all circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, for the directors and/or staff of KAS Keyless Access Security, shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, alternative security arrangements, loss or damages to equipment or profit, arising out of the use, or the inability to use, the products sold by this company, even if KAS Keyless Access Security or authorised representatives or re-sellers of our products, have been advised of the possibility of such damages. If your use of materials from this site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume any costs thereof.
Returns / Cancellation
We hope that you are happy with your purchase but should you wish to return any item to us, we will be happy to refund or exchange a product subject to the following conditions.
1. The goods must not have been installed.
2. Returned goods will only be accepted if they are returned in their original packaging, unused and with all instruction manuals.
3. If you exercise your right to cancel after the goods have been delivered you will be responsible for returning them at your own cost and must be in a re-saleable condition.
4. All refunds will be processed within 30 days.
5. Customers are responsible for obtaining proof of delivery and receipt of returned goods.
6. Before returning any goods the Customer must contact KAS by email (to be obtained from the website) to obtain a returns number.
7. On returning items refunds will only be issued upon receipt of returned goods.
8. Where applicable postal or carriage charges are not refunded in the event of a customer returning goods and are the responsibility of the Customer.
Copyright StatementCopyright 2018, KAS, All rights reserved
Services & Applications Terms and Condition
These terms and conditions are for the use or installation of any services and/or applications available with KAS hardware. KAS reserve the right to amend these T&Cs at any time. Where relevant ‘General Terms and Conditions also apply.
Disclaimer / Terms of Services Use
You agree and are bound to the terms of use by accessing, browsing, opening or otherwise using any part of the services and or applications available by KAS
While every effort is made to ensure the information and links on this app are accurate, the technology is changing at such a speed that the information, links and software system may not always be up to date. Please contact KAS if you have any queries about your service KAS may modify/remove/close features and functions from any service without notice based on the discretion of the company.
KAS is not responsible for any loss suffered in connection with the use of its services and any of the content. This includes, but is not limited to, the transmission of any software virus and/or security risks. KAS makes no warranties or representations about the services and applications or any of the content. We exclude, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of this app, its content or the information on it.
Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by us in relation to the use of these services or the content is limited as provided under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (s68A). We will never be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss arising out of the use of this app, including loss of business profits, personal liability or personal possessions.
KAS cannot be held liable for environmental or installation conditions which may affect the function of our Locks, PIRs, latches and electric locking hardware. Environmental conditions which may affect the function of our locks and hardware include but are not limited to weather, wind, rain, dust, minimum and maximum operating temperatures, vermin, spiders and insects. Installation conditions include, but are not limited to quality of installation, wiring, suitability of power supply or batteries and the suitability of the structure to which hardware is mounted.
Privacy Statement
Client Details and information is recorded in a secure database and log information for statistical purposes. This information may be analysed to determine usage statistics and help us improve our services. Information collected through the Contact Us pages or through any of the forms available on this site will be stored on the KAS databases. Your information will not be disclosed to a third party from KAS.
Service Disclaimer
KAS does not take responsibility if the services or hardware have been hacked and/or security has been breached for any reason. KAS endeavor to ensure products are as secure as possible but do not hold responsibility for unwarranted access due to electronics malfunction of any kind. It is sole responsibility of the purchaser to ensure the ultimate security of their personal property and security.
Software Installation Disclaimer
It is company policy that we do not directly control or access a client’s virus software programs, It is the clients responsibility to ensure that all of your virus protection software directly “excludes” KAS software before any installation or modification can begin.
Any fault analysis or technical support required from KAS staff that is the result of either modification, updates of either new or existing software or hardware, particularly as the result of the addition or updating of new or existing virus protection software, that does not directly exclude interaction or interference with your KAS software may result in a fee for time being charged for such services. Should any technical work or assistance (not explicitly covered under warranty technical support) be requested outside of normal working hours then a weekend/public holiday surcharge will also apply.
It is a company requirement to have the client’s IT department to attend to excluding KAS software from all of their virus protection software. KAS lock software is NOT online and therefore there is zero risk of our software being able to attract any viruses from the internet.
Once this has been attended to and should you still require our technical assistance then please contact us back during working hours. Should you require ‘non-warranty’ technical assistance outside of normal hours then you will be invoiced appropriately invoiced this time.
KAS Prerequisite Existing Environment Check
KAS systems are reliant on additional systems that may already exist in your environment. It is important that the following services and systems are checked and tested before any KAS systems are installed on your site. It is recommended that you review the KAS provided prerequisite testing document to verify that your services and systems are compatible. KAS equipment communicates with via your internet services to provide internet access for remote worldwide operations. *Due to some variances with “Internet Service Providers” and communication protocols, the communication to the KAS hardware may be affected and cause communication failures. **Some WiFi systems can cause problems with communications. To prevent these compatibility issues KAS recommends the following actions before installation is started.
1. Review “KAS Pre-Install Site Check” Document.
2. Action site test by running a site testing kit.
3. Review with KAS optional solution to optimise the existing system to eliminate any possible future issues.
4. In some circumstances you may need to update/upgrade existing systems for the KAS system to function at optimal specifications.
Please be aware if the prerequisite processes listed above are not actioned/followed KAS will not be held responsible or liable for any communication failures or operational issues. Please avoid problems by following these requirements.
KAS Keyless Access Security reserves the right to change, information, models, specifications and or the price of and all of its products and services without notice.
Estimates, Orders and Invoice Terms & Conditions
Standard estimates are valid for 30 days after issue date.
- KAS will configure and customise the client’s software according to their site and specific operational requests and requirements.
- Software installation, setup and training will be completed using TeamViewer. Any software modifications are included free of charge during the warranty period.
- All hardware will require a final initialisation using the PDA and/or mobile app following the final software being loaded onto the client’s computer. This final physical lock and/or gateway programming and any subsequent re-programming requirements remain the responsibility of the client.
- Items listed above are on a ‘supply only’ basis. The physical hardware installation is the responsibility of the client unless specified above. All items will be available for dispatch or collection once the final payment has been received.
- If applicable, KAS will supply the Energy Saving Devices (ESD’s) and magnetic reed switches on a supply only basis. Electrical contactors (or relays) are not supplied by KAS. ESD’s must be installed by a licensed certified electrician.
- Lead times are estimates only. The stock will only be secured and confirmed after a 50% the deposit has been received. Most items can be available within 28 Days and other items may take up to 56 days from the date of deposit.
- Site commissioning of the locks, access controls and gateways is required after the client has the gateways installed and powered. The gateways can be installed prior to or after the door lock installation and commissioning.
- All products supplied by KAS hold a 24-month manufacturer’s warranty. All technical support, software modifications and product support is guaranteed free of charge during this warranty period (within business hours).
- All electronic hardware (unless specifically noted otherwise) is supplied on the basis of being installed free from all moisture exposure. Water damage will void the warranty of the lock.
- Removal and reinstallation costs will not be covered by KAS.
- Confirmation of warranty items needs to be approved by KAS (in writing) before being returned under warranty to KAS. Once returned, further testing will be conducted to confirm the warranty coverage including whether the item is to be either repaired, replacement or refunded. Freight of any approved warranty items to KAS is at the client’s expense, however, the freight cost for the returned product will be covered by KAS.
- Fire Certification – Fire certification may or may not be required. The client is responsible for ensuring that their chosen combination of lock hardware, latch, and their selected fire doors holds a valid certification at the time of fire certification for their project.
Current fire certificates can be downloaded from the product page(s) on our website. - Products – Although all measures are taken to ensure the accuracy of all information and specifications provided, KAS assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of such information or its relevance to a specific use or application. Actual performance of products may vary based on many factors and may be less than stated. Actual products may differ slightly in size, colour and appearance to these details and images shown. KAS reserves the rights to vary these products and specifications at any time.
- KAS will offer recommendations on S1 Gateway placement and coverage. A ‘to scale’ map will need to be provided to KAS. All access points that require coverage will need to be clearly marked. Final testing may indicate that some additional gateways may be required depending on any local site obstructions potentially reducing/restricting the wireless signal performance ie site location calculations can be affected by obstructions such as ceiling beams, hallway doors and differing wall construction materials used such as solid concrete (as compared to plasterboard) and the thickness of such concrete/brick walls etc. KAS, therefore, will provide the best available advice but cannot guarantee these recommendations from just looking at plans. Gateways are supplied on a ‘supply only basis.
- Any additional Gateways required that were not on original marked mapped provided by KAS, are to be purchased (at the same unit price as quoted) and installed at the client’s cost.
Quote, Acceptance and Payment Terms:
- A deposit of 50% is required to complete the quotation acceptance and for KAS to commence the order process.
- The remaining balance will be required prior to the dispatch. A request for a staged dispatch of items is acceptable following full payment of such items including any additional freight charges.
- KAS holds no liability for any theft, loss or damage of goods once items have been collected from our warehouse.
Privacy Policy
KAS complies with the Australian Government Privacy Act 1988.
KAS protect the privacy information of individuals and do NOT share information to third party companies.